Over and Above All Things
February 25, 2025 Over and Above All Things opusdei.org Hello! How is each and every one? Gee whiz! Time is running! Or is it we, who are running fast? The safe measure? Run at God’s pace. As He leads us, let us follow Him. Time is His and so are we. Any doubts about that? Are you God’s? Is your life, His? “What do you have that you have not received?” (1 Cor 4:7). Enjoying Christ Now let us proceed with the 2 nd part of the chapter we have started on our divine longing for well-being ( From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 9). Let us learn lessons for our own personal situation and make the effort to go and grow in the right direction in life. Gluttony Part II: Preciousness There is a wonderful cartoon that shows Jesus, after multiplying the loaves and fishes, trying to feed the assembled throng. Instead of being grateful,...