
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Heart Open and Enlarged

  February 27, 2024 National Catholic Register Hi! How is each and every one? Childlikeness is a virtue that characterizes the natural way children acquire and cultivate their knowledge about things, persons and events.   Children are curious, and they use all their five senses- touch, smell, taste, hearing, sight- to experience and know the truth. They also ask a lot of questions and they really can be persistent and insistent and eager to receive answers to their battery of questions.   They ask why, why, and why? They ask questions why and what about persons, things and events. Simultaneously they judge and confirm what is true, what is good, and what is right. They connect what they actually see and experience with the answers they receive.   Gullible as they are in asking they are equally gullible in receiving the answers.   It is indeed important that we, adults, take their questions seriously and give them true and sincere answers, protecting their innocence and their intellig

The Challenge to Change

  February 20, 2024 Faculty Focus Hi!   How is each and every one?   I realize I missed mentioning in the last post that I was going to do my spiritual retreat from February 14 to today, February 20.   I did remember to keep all of you in my prayers those days.   Was also glad to learn about the Holy Father’s scheduled retreat February 18 to the 24 th with the curia. I welcomed the opportunity to be ever more united to the Holy Father’s person and intentions. It was also an opportunity to pray for so many persons who somehow make the Holy Father the subject or object of their negativities, irregularities and prejudices. Understand them and forgive them for they do not know what they are doing and saying.   Obviously they need prayers to understand themselves and forgive themselves as well.   They will be happier when they do so.   Let us pray for each and every one.   Indeed we are in the season of Lent.   Isn’t it the most opportune time to follow Jesus in His passion and death

Unconditional and Selfless Love

  February 13, 2024 Hi!   How is each and every one? We have just celebrated Chinese New Year with so many kinds and names of colored dragons around.   The whole day I just had the confirmed sensitivity that we do need to pray for the Chinese. The conviction to pray for them gets to be as strong as their grips to economic power all over; strong as and even stronger than their 1500 drones they put together in making the flying dragon/s. Such a display of resources and talents I offer to the all powerful mighty God for each and every Chinese and each and every dragon by which they wish to be represented yearly. Last Sunday was the second Sunday devotion to St. Joseph, a beloved father, model for fathers, patron of the family.   On the same day was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.   Not a minute of the day without giving thanks to our Father God for His provident care of His children in His kingdom on earth.   Simply Psychology Now let us continue discovering ourselves and ref

Get Up and Walk Again

February 6, 2024 Hi!  How is each and every one? Isn’t that a beautiful picture of the Holy Family with the dog?  It reminds me of this Dalmatian I got from the Befana some years ago.  Last Sunday we started the custom of the Seven Sundays to St. Joseph.  You can still catch up if you wish.  Just turn to Saint Joseph and say some things to him about anything.  He listens you know.  If you want you can search the devotion to him in  You will easily find it.  Like Our Lady, Saint Joseph will bring you to Jesus and bring Jesus to you.  Go to Saint Joseph and see for yourself. Following is the Introduction to the devotion.  The First Sunday to the Seventh Sunday prayers follow after in the same article in The custom of the Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph   Pope Gregory XVI, whose pontificate began in 1831, encouraged the custom of dedicating the seven Sundays before March 19 to Saint Joseph in memory of his  seven sorrows and joys , and attached many i