Why Should We (You and I) Care?
September 26, 2023 FaithLafayette.org September 26, 2023 Hi! How is each and every one? And why shouldn’t you and I care to know more about God’s plan? You and I are His children and we belong to His family. Of course you and I should care. God’s plans are about you and me, your happiness and mine, His love and our love. While it is true that God did not ask my permission to create me, He will not save me without my cooperation, my participation, my wanting to be saved, my reciprocation. Love is a relationship, a giving of self to others, a sharing of goods among persons in communion. So let you and I care to learn more about God’s plan (From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 1). But so what? What’s all this to us? Sure, it’s a provocative idea, but what difference does it really make? It would be easy to write off divinization as just some moldy the...