
Showing posts from September, 2023

Why Should We (You and I) Care?

September 26, 2023 September 26, 2023 Hi!   How is each and every one?   And why shouldn’t you and I care to know more about God’s plan? You and I are His children and we belong to His family.   Of course you and I should care.   God’s plans are about you and me, your happiness and mine, His love and our love. While it is true that God did not ask my permission to create me, He will not save me without my cooperation, my participation, my wanting to be saved, my reciprocation.   Love is a relationship, a giving of self to others, a sharing of goods among persons in communion. So let you and I care to learn more about God’s plan (From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 1). But so what?   What’s all this to us?   Sure, it’s a provocative idea, but what difference does it really make?   It would be easy to write off divinization as just some moldy theological concept.   But it is so much m

Become Everything You Are Meant to Be

  September 19, 2023 Hi!   How is each and every one?   You know this past week has offered me several opportunities to overcome or challenge myself.   For example, I somehow found another way to present a proposed work better and more according to the style.   Another challenge was to use my smart phone instead of having a hard copy.   Still another opportunity was to make my Saturday morning a more meaningful one for myself and for a family I visited.   Having an intention and allowing it to motivate us truly benefits ourselves and many others. How did you find last week’s post?  Are you not excited to find out more about God’s plan? Let us continue then from the same source (From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 1) In the following pages, not only will you discover the incredible vision God has for your life; you will also come to see that the parts of yourself you like the least, the temptations that tear yo

More Than You Can Imagine

  Catholics Striving For Holiness:   Most Holy Name of Mary September 12, 2023 How is each and every one?  Just realized we have started the –ber months as they say.  How did you celebrate the birthday of Our Lady, Mama Mary?  Today, the Church celebrates the Most Holy Name of Mary. She wants to commemorate the privileges bestowed upon Mary by God and all the graces received through her intercession and mediation. “Your children never get tired of blessing you, Mother.   “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” We celebrated your birthday on the 8 th , and your Most holy Name today because, as good children do, we enjoy celebrating you and praising You before the whole of creation today:   ‘Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.’ (cf. iPray with the Gospel) You know last Saturday, day after Our Lady’s birthday, I met with a friend of thirty nine years.   She just arrived from a visit with her siblings in New York.   Her trip was financed by her

Hail Mary Full of Grace

  September 5, 2023 Aleteia Hi!  How is each and every one?  We have just started the month of September, one of the months dedicated to Our Lady aside from being her birth month.  September 8 is our Lady’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mama Mary!  Flowers for you, Mother St Josemaria Institute La Bambelina September 12 is the Holy Name of Mary St Josemaria Institute Aleteia September 15 is Our Lady of Sorrows   St Josemaria Institute and September 24 is Our Lady of Ransom Catholic Resources:   Our Lady of Torreciudad St. Josemaria says in Christ is Passing By , Ch 14, 143 :  Devotion to our Lady is not something soft and sentimental.  It fills the soul with consolation and joy to precisely the extent that it means a deep act of faith making us go outside ourselves and put our hope in the Lord.  “The Lord is my shepherd,” says one of the psalms, “how can I lack anything?  He gives me a resting-place where there is green pasture, leads me out to the cool water’s br