
Showing posts from July, 2023

Advocate of the Just and Architect of Mercy

Opus Dei Christ Reveals the Father’s Mercy Hi!  How is each and every one? The Church celebrates July 22 as the feast day of Saint Mary Magdalene.  Parts of the Mass are words of Our Lord to her and or prayers of the Church based on her life.  The Mass starts with the following words:  “The Lord said to Mary Magdalene:   Go to my brothers and tell them:   I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Opus Dei The Collect:  “O God, whose Only Begotten Son entrusted Mary Magdalene before all others with announcing the great joy of the Resurrection, grant, we pray, that, through her intercession and example, we may proclaim the living Christ and come to see him reigning in your glory.” The Preface for Apostles of Apostles is used:   “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, whose mercy is no less than His power to preach the...

Pious Tears and Mary Magdalene has a Lesson for Us

  Opus Dei Hi!  How is each and every one? It is July 16, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  I would like to invite you all to join me in asking Our Lady for whatever the good Lord wills for each one of us.  You know that recently somebody shared the gist of the book, What Men Live By by Leo Tolstoy.   Are you not intrigued by the title?   I suggest you search the book that is downloadable and free.   It is very short. You can read it in one sitting and you can get the message clearly.   But don’t worry I can give you the gist in the way I could.   God sent an angel to a mission on earth but the angel felt compassion for the person to whom he was sent and did not carry out the mission as instructed. So when he reported back to God he was sent back to earth to carry out the mission accordingly and to stay on earth to learn three things.   He has to find out the answers to the following questions:   What is given to man; wha...

Lost Innocence

Give me History                                 Hi! How is each and every one?  How I pray and wish each one experiences the joy that many of us, friends and relations are experiencing these days.  Graces abound in the surroundings.  Persons are high-spirited, responsive, up and about preparing for the coming of The Father as each and every one call him. Still everything goes as usual but with more activity, intention, and excitement?  Persons who least expect are overwhelmed.  One can easily get surprises. Each one needs to be attentive to the breeze and act on whatever needs to be acted on.  Well for now this post has to be published.  It is an excerpt on lost innocence (From Joseph Tissot, How to profit from your faults , pp. 115-116 ) that can always be regained but never completely recovered through the right way. It is a continuation of the previous post.  ...

Fruits of Reparation

       Hi! How is each and every one? I couldn’t get over the feeling of joy and satisfaction? Is it the right term or amusement after having listened to the video shared by somebody from another group on June 26 homily of Archbishop Dolan in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York.   It is always best to hear from other well meaning people about the many good things of different institutions especially those under the scrutiny of some others. Try searching it if the link does not open. There is another video I found Following is another excerpt on the Fruits of Reparation  (From Joseph Tissot, How to profit from your faults pp. 114-115 ).   St. Francis de Sales does not want us merely to accept the harmful consequences of our shortcomings simply as punishment.  He wants us to correct them by redoubling our efforts.  “But you might well ask what we ...