
Original Unity

September 10, 2024 Hi!  How is each and every one? Last Sunday, September 8, was Mama Mary’s birthday.  How did you celebrate her birthday?  A group of friends went on an excursion to Liliw, Laguna, another group went for a pilgrimage to Our Lady in a newly constructed Church along Calamba, Quezon City, another one went to a farm in Morong, Rizal and after lunch prayed with the staff the Rosary to Our Lady and another group of young students prepared food boxes for the poor families in Sampaloc, Manila area. Doubtless, Our Lady must be happy and smiling at these daughters of hers who in any way they can show her the love and affection that is due her.  I found another article on the virtue of justice in  It is a question and answer format that is very enlightening; it certainly answers questions in our mind and gives us suggestions on how to practice the virtue in carrying out our daily life’s duties and activities especially in our daily work and relationships. Let

Our Divine Longing for Justice

September 3, 2024         Hi!  How is each and every one?  Yesterday, I discovered the following in one of my readings and considerations.  What are the signs that help us discern that God is present. First, we have to remember that God does not contradict himself; he will not ask us for anything that goes against Jesus’ teaching, as found in Holy Scripture and taught by the Church. Nor will he suggest something opposed to our vocation. Secondly, we have to consider what the inspirations imply. A tree is known by its fruits (cf.  Mt  7:16-20); and as Saint Paul said,  the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control  ( Gal  5:22-23).   The spiritual tradition of the Church has been constant in its teaching that “the Spirit of God unfailingly produces peace in our souls, and the devil unfailingly produces agitation.”   (Jacques Philippe,  In the School of the Holy Spirit , Scepter, New York, 2007, p. 52).  In the co

Be Happy; you are blessed

  August 27, 2024 Hi!  How is each and every one?  Do you ever get to count your blessings?  Do you ever catch yourself smiling and uttering the words ‘love mo ako talaga, Lord!’ I forgot now what happened that I was having fun with Our Lord telling Him over and over again that ‘love niya ako’. Episodes like this happen often but also many other opposite episodes happen as often. I don’t remember though having uttered the negative when things don’t happen the way I want. At times I remember St. Teresa’s words addressed to Our Lord, “It is no wonder you have few friends.” Now I am problematic; I don’t remember any of those episodes. Usually it happens when appointments are made and done; plans are facilitated and provided for; persons respond without any fuss; whenever I feel His provident care; His prompt response. When I am still thinking of something and it is already realized, I get to utter, ‘Ang bilis mo naman, Lord. ’ Or I feel like a spoiled brat or I sing ‘Somewhere in my you

Enlarge My Heart

  August 20, 2024 Hi!   How is each and every one? Talking about being kind, what is it really to be kind?   Education in good manners is all about being kind.   Good manners aside from self-dignifying are other people dignifying too, if there is such a way of saying it.   Kind persons are good mannered in every way.   They are virtuous in many ways perhaps without even realizing it? But they are good company, edifying, and exemplary of good living.   They are considerate, thoughtful, tactful, careful so as not to cause any inconvenience or hurt to others.   It is unfortunate that nowadays good mannered persons are becoming a rare species.   Unfortunately, a good lot of younger generations have not caught up with the older ones who have had the opportunity to be educated in good manners early on in their life inside and outside the home. The other night we shared a video of an interview with a couple.   Both spouses are celebrities.   Each one grew up with a grandmother.   Amazingl