Being Earnest and Thoughtful
March 4, 2025 Being Earnest and Thoughtful Diocese of La Crosse Hello! How is each and every one? Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, we start with the season of Lent, 40 opportune days of redeeming ourselves once again by sharing and accompanying Jesus in His Passion, Death and Resurrection. Lent is an opportunity for you and me to reciprocate God’s love for each one of us and to accompany Jesus with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In prayer you and I talk to Him about our desires to seek Him, to encounter Him, to know Him, to love Him and to serve Him in this life. We adore Him because He is Almighty God, Creator and Father; we thank Him for everything because everything is His and we are nothing without Him; we ask Him for mercy and forgiveness for our sins against Him and others; we ask Him for everything we need to respond to His ever faithful love and provident care for each one of us. We deny ourselves of many things we like, comfort, food, drink, etc. ...