
Showing posts from July, 2024

Enough is Never Enough

  July 30, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one? Have you been following the 10 th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 17-21, 2024? Each one of us in the house according to her schedule listens to the different speakers she chances by in her search. Together after dinner we have listened to some of them like Lila Rose, Chris Stefanick, Jonathan Roumie. On our own time we continue to listen to the speakers and share whatever highlights we come across during meals.   Indeed it is uplifting to see and listen to personal conversion stories.   It is truly impressive how Jesus attracts each one and how each one responds to the workings of grace of conversion.   You and I don’t need to be a non- Christian to be converted.   Even those born into the Catholic faith need to be converted over and over again.   St Josemaria says in a Homily on The Conversion of the Children of God : “Conversion is the task of a moment; sanctification is the work of a lifetime. The d

“Original Unity”

  July 23, 2024 C2C Gallery   Hi!  How is each and every one?  I am preparing this post today, the 22 nd of July, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Mary Magdalene. She is called “the Penitent”.  St. Mary was given the name ‘Magdalen’ because, though a Jewish girl, she lived in a Gentile town called Magdala, in northern Galilee, and her culture and manners were those of a Gentile. Aleteia   In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke 8:2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had been cast out of her (Mark 16:9).   She is named as standing at the foot of the cross (Mark 15:40; Matthew 27:56; John 19:25; Luke 23:49). She saw Christ laid in the tomb, and she was the first recorded witness of the Resurrection. The Greek Fathers, as a whole, distinguish the three persons: 1.       The “sinner” of Luke 7:36-50; 2.       The sister of Martha and Lazarus, Luke 10:38-42 and John 11; and 3.       Mary Magdale

God’s Love Never Fails

  July 16, 2024 God’s Love Never Fails Fb Hi!   How is each and every one? I just finished video greetings to a young octogenarian after 38 years of having been out of touch.   I was requested maybe you can say something more? So how did I manage myself through the challenge given that I had never done any personal video up to this moment.   I have no technological experience of it. But there is always a first time, right? So I asked around, imagined what each one instructed me to do, prayed for what ‘maybe you can say something more’ means? The thought was to recall the year a group of us were sent on a mission to settle down in the north of Taiwan. So that made it.   I said something more than ordinary.   It was a historical video greeting. Now let us get back to work on this post that had to give way to that challenge. Once again thank you for waiting and for your patience as always for delays in these weekly shares with you. Following is the continuation of our divine l

Our Divine Longing for Dignity

  July 9, 2024 Hi!   How is each and every one? How do I begin? This post is taking time just because I couldn’t start it.   Last Monday I gathered the images for this post.   Then we entertained a group of political science graduates accompanied by their professor.   We had lunch together and after lunch we watched short videos on the activities other students have initiated and participated in.   The professor suggested that the group talk about the possible NGOs each one chose and researched on.       The next day I was moved to plant more of those sappy plants that thrive without much care and yet look good though they are not flowering ones.   I have learned to value them and like them.   I have not been successful with other plants.   A while ago I received two unidentified calls which I rejected thinking that if it is urgent I will receive a message.   True enough I did and it goes:   I am sending you TODAY some Tagalog veggies freshly harvested from our garden. Please ask