
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Human Connection

  May 28, 2024 Goodreads   Hi!   How is each and every one?   Last Sunday, 1 st Sunday after Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated the Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The Blessed Trinity is the relationship of paternity, filiation and spiration, the relation between the Father and the Son is the spirit of love, the Holy Spirit. Founded on this Trinitarian relationship is the relationship every family builds – relationship between the husband and the wife brings forth fruits of their love, the children God entrusts to them.   God is into (present in) every relationship in the family and society. Man is made for communion, connection with one another.   The Communal Character of the Human Vocation (cf The Human Communion, Chp 2, Catechism of the Catholic Church , nos. 1878-1885).   No. 1878 All men are called to the same end:   God himself.   There is a certain resemblance between the union of the divine persons and the fraternity t

The Good Life

  May 21, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one?   Isn’t it just and right that after Jesus ascended into Heaven to sit at the right side of His Father, the Holy Spirit descends to stay with us on earth and in the Church? And then the day after, we celebrate Mary Mother of God, Mother of the Church?   Greater than her no one but God! We have ten more days to go to Our Lady this month that is especially dedicated to her. Come and let us plan to go alone with everyone virtually tagging along or with friends physically going to Our Lady. You and I will do ourselves a great good to do so and our family and friends and everybody else over the world.   The Holy Rosary is a powerful weapon; pray it without ceasing; The good Lord and our mother Mary are watching and listening to His children.  Trust Him and our Lady and tell them throughout the day “Jesus, I trust in You”. Maintain a hopeful joy through the days doing what ought to be done and doing it well in thanksgiving and love of God.

Meaning-driven Happiness

  May 14, 2024   iStock Hi!   How is each and every one? Last Sunday we celebrated three feast days. Indeed we had an abundance of blessings on that day! As a family, customarily, we truly enjoy and must enjoy every occasion there is.   Let us continue celebrating and remembering all these blessings that come every year, whether it be in Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church, or in our immediate family.   It is good to foster these celebrations no matter how simple the celebrations may be but to celebrate them with the family members especially on Sundays, the day of the Lord, considered as family day. Value Sundays as they are, God’s day, for they are valuable occasions to celebrate firstly with Our Lord by attending Sunday Mass, a duty of justice and religion, then tighten the family bond among the older members and   the youngest ones through the years. Celebrate life together and grow old in life together. This is the way we can give life to our years. Overcome whatever barrie