
Showing posts from April, 2024

A Love That Never Gives Up

 April 30, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one?   Tomorrow May 1, aside from being Labor Day, a public holiday, it is the feast day of St. Joseph, the carpenter worker.   He is a good carpenter.   Remember?   Jesus is known by his father, ‘isn’t he the carpenter’s son’?   Jesus who is said and identified as He who did all things well, qui bene omnia fecit !, is the son of the carpenter!   His father must have taught him well.   Indeed, like father like son! What an honor to St. Joseph.   Jesus reveals him to us. Ergo, therefore, are you and I not excited to go to St. Joseph ‘Ite ad Ioseph!’ to ask him to teach us how to do our professional work, duties of the moment, any task for that matter well? I am always excited to go to St. Joseph.   He is the patron saint of four things. Go to St. Joseph to ask him for different concerns in life:   for a good husband, for a good profession, for interior life and vocation in general, for a happy death.   the medieval professor Moreover, Ma

Faith-filled Long and Lasting Love

 April 23, 2024 Hi!  How is each and every one? In preparing for this post I was searching for a fitting cover photo and title when the words of a song by the same title came to mind and I know there is such a song.  I searched for it to see if the lyrics are to my liking, clean, pure and edifying.  I listened to the song a lot of times and I liked it, I am sharing the same with you.  I forwarded it to my siblings viber group and in a few seconds the response from my comedian bro popped up that says, “Pinks, sobra naman romantic yan kanta.  Long na nga eh lasting pa?  Suerte naman! At least hindi taken na nga for granted naman.  Miriam Defensor Santiago in her book “Stupid is forever”, one of her one-liner jokes or pick-up lines was “Taken na nga for granted naman.”   Knowing you I am sure you would be happy to have the words of the song written down.  Following is the continuation of the previous post on the same symphony of love of St. Paul as commented on by Pope Francis in his

Love and do What You Will

  April 16, 2024            Hi! How is each and every one? How do I begin this post?   I am recalling an excerpt in a novel on St. Thomas Aquinas where his sister, Theodora asked him the question, “How does one become a saint?” “Will it” , St. Thomas answered “Will it and that is all?” Theodora reiterated.   “That is all we can do.   God does the rest.   Love God. But remember: love is of the will.   To love is to will. “Amare est velle” was the answer of St. Thomas.   “To love is to will.”   Therefore if we will it, we can give to the world what it needs and what the world needs now more than ever is love – true love – the source of which is God, who is Love, Himself.   St. Josemaria:   “Do everything for love.   In that way there will be no little things; everything will be big.   Perseverance in the little things for love is heroism.” “A little act done for love is worth so much.” Love never ever needs to say I

Selfless Love

  April 9, 2024 Hi!   How is each and every one?   Yesterday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary giving way to Holy Week, the 25 th being Holy Monday this year.   “ Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum ”, be it done to me according to your word.   What a beautiful prayer to make your own, my own, don’t you think so?   We want to be always attuned to the will of God for you and for me personally. Whatever it be that you will for me, Lord, may it be done to me according to your will.   Because ever since I came into this world, I have not known how to ask for anything.   But everything happens to me without my own asking for it and I am happy.   It is you Lord through my parents, siblings, my family that things happen.   It is you, Lord, unless we choose otherwise because You have risked giving us our freedom to choose your will or our will. May I always choose your will for myself because in doing so I am safe and secure.   “May your most just and most