A Love That Never Gives Up
April 30, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one? Tomorrow May 1, aside from being Labor Day, a public holiday, it is the feast day of St. Joseph, the carpenter worker. He is a good carpenter. Remember? Jesus is known by his father, ‘isn’t he the carpenter’s son’? Jesus who is said and identified as He who did all things well, qui bene omnia fecit !, is the son of the carpenter! His father must have taught him well. Indeed, like father like son! What an honor to St. Joseph. Jesus reveals him to us. Ergo, therefore, are you and I not excited to go to St. Joseph ‘Ite ad Ioseph!’ to ask him to teach us how to do our professional work, duties of the moment, any task for that matter well? I am always excited to go to St. Joseph. He is the patron saint of four things. Go to St. Joseph to ask him for different concerns in life: for a good husband, for a good profession, for interior life and vocation in general, for a ...