
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Workings of Grace

January 30, 2024 The Divine Mercy          Hi!   How is each and every one?   Still enjoying the cool mornings?   Do appreciate and savor them; bless the Lord for them; for everything, for that matter - the air, the light, the sun, the moon, the breeze, the snow, the rain, the drizzles, the morning dew, everything.   You and I don’t own anything.   Our Father in Heaven owns them all.   In His goodness and love He shares everything with us, His children. May you and I count everything as blessings and make good use of each and every one of them - our very life, person, body, mind, heart and soul, our talents, capabilities, potentials   and effort to become better each day, to do good always and in every place we find ourselves.   All this need continuous awareness of God’s love and presence in us and in every time and place. Following is the continuation of he previous post and this time we are invited to shift our focus ( From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of

Our Divine Longing for Communion

January 23, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one? We are still within the Octave of Christian Unity ( January 17-25 ).  The Church is praying for the unity of Christians all over the world. Together with Pope Francis we are also praying for peace in the world, in the Holy Land, Ukraine and Russia. Each of us has his/her personal petitions and intentions and we pray together for all these.  “Prayer, this is our strength:   we have never had any other weapon” (St. Josemaría, Letter 17-VI-73, 35).   All the dimensions in our life can become a constant dialogue with God. Therefore at any moment we can raise our requests to heaven.   This is a reality that fills us with hope, because we know that, despite the difficulties in the world and our personal limitations, our Lord always listens to us.   Only He can offer us deep joy, both in the adversities and the joyful moments that accompany us day after day. (cf. Letter, 22 January 2024). Following is an excerpt from opusdei.or

Our Divine Longing for Well Being

January 16, 2024 SlideShare Living a life of wholeness and integration Hi!   How is each and every one?   We have started the New Year with the feast day of our Mother, Mary, Mother of God, her divine motherhood. Before that Jesus was born in a stable, a shepherd came to adore the child, Jesus and then followed the Three Kings, Three wise Men, the Magi guided by a star, by an angel, by the Holy Spirit. They came to visit and pay homage to the child Jesus in the manger, dressed in swaddling clothes with his mother, Mary and father, St. Joseph. You and I with our families also prayed in front of the Belen we had prepared in each of our homes during the entire Christmas season up to the baptism of Jesus on January 7.   Reflecting on those days, from Advent, four weeks of solicitous anticipation and preparation for the birth of Jesus, and one week of family tradition celebrations, rejoicing in the coming of our Savior and Redeemer, the only begotten Son of God, refreshes me and makes m

Our Divine Longing for Trust

January 9, 2024 Hi! How is each and every one?  Happy feast days!!! We started the year with one feast day after another.  Divine Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Name of Jesus, Epiphany of Our Lord, Baptism of Our Lord, and today the Black Nazarene, and birthday anniversary of St. Josemaria, the Saint of the Ordinary, founder of Opus Dei Prelature. There is really nothing new; the above feast days always start every year. Let us always give thanks to the Lord for these feast days which we believe bring with them a lot of blessings and graces when we celebrate them and make them present in our activities throughout the day. Let us take advantage and keep on following Jesus, Mary and Joseph keeping Him with us in our journey through everyday life. Following is the next excerpt on our divine longing for trust ( From Broken Gods , Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 2).           Divine Mercy Greed, the