The Workings of Grace
January 30, 2024 The Divine Mercy Hi! How is each and every one? Still enjoying the cool mornings? Do appreciate and savor them; bless the Lord for them; for everything, for that matter - the air, the light, the sun, the moon, the breeze, the snow, the rain, the drizzles, the morning dew, everything. You and I don’t own anything. Our Father in Heaven owns them all. In His goodness and love He shares everything with us, His children. May you and I count everything as blessings and make good use of each and every one of them - our very life, person, body, mind, heart and soul, our talents, capabilities, potentials and effort to become better each day, to do good always and in every place we find ourselves. All this need continuous awareness of God’s love and presence in us and in every time and place. Following is the continuation of he previous post and this time we are invited to shift our focu...