The Seven Divine Longings: the Path to Freedom and Fulfillment

December 5, 2023

Opus Dei

Hi!  How is each and every one?  Goodness! It is December!  We already started the Advent season, joyfully anticipating the birth of Jesus; and more than ever before with a lot of hope for peace in the hearts and minds of persons. Yes, there is hope.  Let us keep our hopes high, God loves you and each one of us tremendously, he delights in each one of us in spite of our defects and weaknesses.  You and I are His children, we belong to the family of God, Jesus is our brother, His mother Mary is also our mother, St. Joseph is also our father.

God wants you and me to be happy.  He expects each one of us to reach out to Him and relate with Him, talk to Him in prayer, turn to Him for everything we need. At the same time let us set our minds, hearts, body and soul on the coming birth of Jesus.  Let us keep  our mother Mary accompanied as she ponders the will of God and runs to stay with  her cousin Elizabeth who in her old age is on her sixth month conceiving a son. 

At the same time let us continue discovering more about our interior selves and our longings for what God truly has in store for each one of us. Following is precisely the excerpt that introduces the topic (From Broken Gods, Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 2).

The Seven Divine Longings:  the Path to Freedom and Fulfillment      

Opus Dei A Great Longing to be Like Them

Discovering the seven divine longings of the human heart gives us a way out of the “trying and failing to be good” trap.  Jesus tells us that his yoke is easy and his burden is light (Mt 11:30), but so many of us experience the exact opposite in our lives.  Despite any appearances to the contrary, Jesus wasn’t lying.  The burden he asks us to carry is light.  We are simply carrying the load in a manner that is breaking our backs and ruining our spiritual center of balance.

The heavenly virtues are not so much a weapon against sin as they are a means of making sin obsolete by satisfying our divine longings.  In fact, the more energy we put into identifying and meeting our divine longings by practicing the heavenly virtues, the less we feel the need to sin.  When we stop fighting against our brokenness and instead simply seek to heal that brokenness by fulfilling the God-given longings hidden behind our sins, we stop working against ourselves and start working toward both our present fulfillment and our ultimate destiny to become gods through God’s grace. 


Let’s take a closer look at how the seven deadly sins, the seven divine longings, and the seven heavenly virtues relate to one another.

I guess I will have to have this post published even after a week’s delay so we could go ahead to the next. I just got loaded with other things last week and I am sure you know how a situation like that could take hold of the days’ occupation.

I will not delay this post longer; I will see you soon in the next post within the week.

Meantime,May tomorrow be a perfect day; may you find love and laughter along the way; may God keep you in his tender care; ‘til He brings us together again.”







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