Our Inner Longing


October 19, 2023

Opus Dei

Hi!  How is each and every one?  Did I get you wondering for a while?  I hope I did make you wonder; at the same time I was hoping you would not wait longer than you should. Know what happened?  This computer that I am using just didn’t want to work.  I was not really in panic mode; I kept myself cool.  I thought I still have a notebook to turn to but guess what it did not want to boot. I started to feel the pangs of poverty and detachment.

How best to approach the situation?  Tuesday was the same day the Holy Father called for a day of fasting, abstinence, and prayer for world peace.  Likewise the Prelate of Opus Dei called to do the same and accompany the Holy Father and the whole world. After all everything was for the good.  I had something more to fast from, abstain from and offer prayers for world peace. It couldn’t have been better, right?

 And yesterday late afternoon, I got the device back. I started looking into what happened and how it is after the ‘overhaul’? Most of my documents are gone.  Good enough I was able to transfer to a USB three files I have been working on the past few weeks.

Am still grateful the device is working again even if I have to begin again working on some files that are gone.  In my ears go the words of somebody “It is good to begin and begin again but don’t remain a beginner.”

Now let us go back to business after two days delay. Following is the continuation of the last post and this time on the inner longing that you and I always try to satisfy but still not quite it.  We continuously ache for that something.

The Inner Ache (From Broken Gods, Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, Gregory K. Popcak, Ph. D. Ch 1).

We all ache for “more.”  We want more.  We want to have more.  We want to be more.  But many of us believe that we are simply being selfish when we indulge these fantasies of abundance.  Of course, there are any number of people who, at any moment, would be more than happy to tell you that thinking you were meant for more is an exercise in narcissistic self-delusion.

It is true that we often attempt to satisfy this ache in ways that will never fill us up.  But this doesn’t alter the fact that our universal longings point to something beyond ourselves.  Too often our response is to shut down our desires or give in to those people in our lives who try to shout them down.

Opus Dei

There is another option.  We can learn to listen to what that ache for more is really saying to us about both our destiny and the means of fulfilling it.  There is nothing wrong with the desire for more.  In fact, God promises to fulfil that ache:  “Find your delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire” (Ps 37:4).  The insatiable ache in our hearts—misguided though it can be—is incredibly important.  It exists to remind us that we were destined by God to be gods and to motivate us to commit to live a life that makes God’s stunningly amazing plans for us possible.  Each and every one of our desires—including our earthly desires and even our sinful desires—exists to point the way back home to God.  Unfortunately, many of the things we do—whether we are trying to fulfil our destiny or simply to quench that more immediate, burning hunger—end up breaking us.  Our divine homing beacon is in need of repair.  Its tone still sounds and echoes in the ground of our being, but it does not always point us in a true direction.  Out of frustration, many people try to ignore the constant pinging of this beacon hidden at the core of their desires.  Others simply go wherever the beacon superficially points them, never questioning the direction they are heading in until they become more and more lost.

The Conversation

Despite these challenges, we can still find our way back to God and back to our destiny in God.  We are meant to be gods, but because of our fallen humanity we are, for now, broken gods in need of deeper healing—a healing that God makes possible through his divine gifts and our own efforts to stop living in fear of our deepest desires, the seven divine longing of every human heart.  When we turn our longings over to him, he sets us on the path to becoming the gods we were created to be—whole and healed, peaceful and perfect, faithful, fearless, and fulfilled.


Nothing is truly wasted when you and I sincerely seek God, find Him and love Him in return in many little things you and I can do for Him.  Go to His mother who is also our mother, Mama Mary and she will take us to Jesus and will tell us “Do what He tells you.” Then our hearts will rest in Him.

See you in the next post, May tomorrow be a perfect day; may you find love and laughter along the way; may God keep you in his tender care; ‘til He brings us together again.”





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