Renewal of our Divine Sonship
August 29, 2023 Renewal of our Divine Sonship St. Josemaria Institute Hi! How is each and every one? In this post today, Feast of St. Augustine, let us find inspiration in his words “You made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” St. Josemaria on the fact that you and I are children of God, has all the following to say about our divine filiation. From Furrow: No. 368: “It is true that we, the children of God, ought not to serve the Lord in order to be noticed. But we should not mind being seen; much less should we cease to fulfill our duty because we are seen!” No. 417: “A calm and balanced character, an inflexible will, deep faith, and an ardent piety: these are the indispensable characteristics of a son of God.” No. 451 : “Prayer is not the prerogative of monks; it is a Christian undertaking of men and women of the world who know themselves to be children of God.” No. 686: ...